

Mazda Mazda2 brand film Mazda wanted to set the scene for the dealer launch of its new small car, Mazda2, with a film which gave an authentic insight into its typical young, male target customer. Working with an Imagination director, we developed a treatment and...
Land Rover

Land Rover

Land Rover Brand film Land Rover wanted to cause a shift in perceptions of its brand by redefining its ‘spirit of adventure’ as an attitude of mind that is relevant to everyone – not just die-hard off-road fanatics. This film used a narrative thread to describe...


Imagination Brand book Copywriting contributions to ‘One’, a 700-page landmark credentials book telling the story of Imagination Group’s companies and communities around the world. Following extensive interviews and research, this series of articles were shaped by the...
London Underground

London Underground

London Underground Internal engagement campaign A series of internal communication campaigns designed to engage London Underground staff and management with a fresh, new style of messaging that cut through the corporate clutter. As part of a small creative team, we...


Nikewomen Experiential campaigns A series of three customer-facing experiential campaigns designed to broaden the reach of the Nikewomen brand in the UK. We developed a name, advertising concept and copy for a promotion that invited busy urban women to attend events...